Our structure
The business of the charitable company is delegated to and managed on a day to day basis by the Chief Executive, who is supported by an Executive Management Team of senior managers leading the functions of Operations, Leisure & Sports, Arts & Heritage, Food & Beverage, Events & Hires and the supporting services of Finance, Marketing & Communications and HR.
The Board of Trustees has established a Committee structure (see below) with annual work plans to review and discuss specific items and make recommendations back to the Board. The Chief Executive and the Executive Team advise the Board on strategy development and support for the Board’s governance activities and have responsibility for operating the services of the charity on a day to day basis. The Board undertakes its role using the Code of Conduct for Good Governance and agrees the overall strategic direction of the Trust.

Mike Napier
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Mike was born in in Somerset to a services family and regularly moved around the UK until settling in Hertfordshire for his secondary school education. He studied Business / Law at Newcastle before a career in the energy industry.
Mike is an experienced senior executive with a background covering a range of corporate services. He spent 31 years with Shell plc, during which time he headed, at various times, their global Procurement, Real Estate, Shared Services and Corporate Communications divisions. He also has more than fifteen years’ experience as a non- executive director in the UK.
Having lived and worked in a number of countries across five continents, Mike eventually settled on the Gloucestershire / Wiltshire border in 1996, before moving to Cheltenham in 2019. He is married with two grown-up sons, both of whom went to school in Cheltenham.
Mike is a keen sportsman, although more as a spectator than participant in recent years! He runs, plays golf badly and has not yet retired from cricket. He is a keen supporter of Gloucester County Cricket Club and Gloucester Rugby.